Video Production Team

Fiona Ashe on Directing Film and Video:

“I’ve always had scenes and dialogue going around in my head — when I was a child, I thought everyone else did too. When I first saw a film, I suddenly understood that the stories in my head were the seeds of movies. From the moment I started directing, I felt completely at home — as if I was doing what I was born to do.

“Since then I have trained up in writing and editing drama — and both skills have taught me to be a better director. I love working with a cast and crew: the teamwork, the camaraderie and the creative collaboration!

“At Flasheforward Communications, we work with budgets of all levels: I’m an experienced self-shooter, which is ideal for projects that are modest in scale. For larger scale projects, I enjoy collaborating with film cinematographer Jaro Waldeck: she takes care of the technicalities of the picture and sound; while I produce/direct the shoot and also conduct on-camera interviews. We are a great team!”

Video production team Dublin Ireland | Jaro Waldeck | Fiona Ashe

Training: Fiona Ashe — Director/Producer

  • Diploma in Advanced Film Directing, New York Film Academy.
  • FETAC Certificate Level 6 Visual Structure for Directors, Screen Training Ireland.
  • Staging For Camera, Screen Training Ireland. Tutor: Mark W. Travis, Los Angeles.
  • FETAC Certificate Level 6 Digital Multi-Skilling for Documentary Direction, Screen Training Ireland.
  • Journalism for Television, RTÉ. Trainers: John de Tarsio and John Larson, NBC.
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications Studies (including Video Production), Dublin City University.
  • The Professional Screenwriting Series, ScreenwritingU, Los Angeles.
  • Directing Masterclasses taught by Spike Lee, Stephen Frears, Mike Leigh, Anthony Minghella, Stanley Tucci, Mike Figgis, Wim Wenders, Stephen Daldry, Paul Schrader, Jim Sheridan and Oscar-winner Alex Gibney.

Training: Jaro Waldeck — Videographer

  • Bachelors Degree in Film and Video, Columbia College, Chicago.
  • Masters in Cinematography, FAMU Prague.
  • DAWN lighting workshop at Kerry EBT Training Centre.
  • 3D CINEMA at Ardmore Studios, FÁS.
  • PADI: Diving Course for Camera Operators.